China finally started to block all crypto related websites for their citizens.
Few days back, China announced a renewed ban on crypto related services and ordered all crypto services to halt their operations for the China mainland users. In response, many crypto exchanges stopped their services for Chinese customers. But here China is taking another step towards a crypto ban.
Read also: Huobi & Binance to follow guidelines of China crypto Ban
As we know, CoinGecko & Coinmarketcap are two big crypto assets price tracking websites and these are also most commonly known for the crypto Investors in the space.
But, Now China banned these two websites through the China internet firewall i.e no one from China can access these two websites. But still they can access through VPN services, which will not be legal but only one option.
Ban of these two coin price tracking websites was not announced by the Chinese authorities but many Chinese people noticed since the morning of 28 September, that they are not able to access these two websites.
And also here it is worth noting that it is not IP blocking because CoinGecko CEO officially said that they didn’t block the availability of their website from their own end, so obviously it is a part of China’s internet censorship agency.
There are other websites like these websites e.g and restricted the access of websites for Chinese users, while Greatfire didn’t and is still accessible.
Due to the fear of Chinese authorities action, many group admins changed their crypto group name on Chinese social media platforms like WeChat. And few moved to the telegram platform.
Read also: Institutional investors taking benefits of China crypto ban Fud