The Long Planned ETH 2.0 Testnet Is Finally Going Live Very Soon


As a long-awaited network upgrade continues to work with developers on Ethereum long – expected, it is approaching its final phase of development. Step 0 for Ethereum 2.0, which, according to the Ethereum Foundation, has been running as a complete node in the Topaz test network for months. In mid-April, however, the highly anticipated Beacon Chain (ETC) and Ethereum 2.0 protocol were dismantled and validated.

That is sapphire, a slimmed-down version that has successfully tested small 3.2 million occurrences of the disease. Topaz went online in late May and tested a full 32 ETH node, and the Onyx test network was launched in mid-June.

The So Close Final Testnet of ETH2.0

The Final testing was significantly confirmed in a leaked Discord chat between the Ethereum developers which continued,

“Technically, I don’t think there is anything missing for a public testnet launch. It’s just a couple of operational things that need to be done I believe. I expect that we can start working on that next week.”

The Long Planned ETH 2.0 Testnet Is Finally Going Live Very Soon 1
Source: Twitter

Onyx is currently running on a full 32 ETH node test network, with Prismatic Labs doing a lot of testing.

The next stage in this process is the creation of a multi-coordinated test network with Altona, the first of its kind in Europe and the world. Altona’s goal is to ensure absolute stability to be ready for the final phase of the development process of Ethereum 2.0 According to the leaked commentary from Altona, the last testing network is nearing its final testing phase, with the previous release date in late October or early November. One developer commented on this by saying that there are a few stability issues, and an announcement date is expected early next week.

Unfortunately for Ethereum owners, none of this has had any impact on the price, but it’s still a good sign for the future of the Ethereum ecosystem.

The Recent Ethereum Price Update

Nothing has given the ETH a price boost this year, not even the great DeFi boom that has given it a price boost. Since then, it has been trading at just below the $230 price range, with a price tag of $200 and a market capitalization of just over $26 billion.

Since returning to its high of $2020 in February, Ethereum has been relatively flat overall this year, with a slight rise in recent weeks, but still not enough to get back to the $1,000 mark. However, holders seem to be waiting for the introduction of ETH 2.0. Recent reports show that almost 80% of the total offer is kept in wallets containing more than a minimum of 32 ETH required for admission to the validation system.

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