Facebook Announced To Launch Testnet On Libra Blockchain Next Week


The Facebook company announced to launch the testnet on Libra Blockchain next week for their upcoming Libra cryptocurrency project that will be operated under Libra Association reported on 14 June 2019.

Facebook and dozens of partners will present the Libra Association and Libra Blockchain in the upcoming week and it will be based in Geneva that will oversee the Libra cryptocurrency designed as a global currency and financial infrastructure.

According to the report, Libra cryptocurrency is based on a secure, reliable Libra blockchain, and will be powered by a real assets store Libra Reserve that offers stability, low inflation, global acceptance, and fungibility to the digital currencies.

It is reported by TechCrunch media that the upcoming Libra blockchain project will be made available open source under an Apache 2.0 License on 18 June.

Previously, Facebook gets investment from dozens of big companies including Uber, Paypal, Visa and Mastercard for its cryptocurrency project.

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