India’s Minister of Finance Again Commented On Cryptocurrency


Indian finance minister again commented on Cryptocurrency and repeated her past comment. 

Recently India’s Minister of Finance, Nirmala Sitharaman, was asked about the Cryptocurrency regulation and she again repeated her old comment. And said ” we will give windows for experimentation”.

This reply by Nimala Sitharaman is totally suspenseful for the India crypto community because this is a totally confusing statement.

Many financial experts and crypto experts believe that the government will not permanently ban. They may ban for a short time but not permanent ban.

According to many media news discussions on this matter, a result came out. According to that discussion report, there is a very rare chance that the government of India may ban Cryptocurrency.

Since the Government of India is fully in favour of Digitisation and digital projects adoption and also there is a special team by government entities of India who are preparing infrastructure to implement Blockchain Technology in traditional banking systems.

So here a very high chance exists that the government will understand the potential of blockchain and also they will be Able to make perfect regulation rules to restrict illegal activities.

And another thing that we can see through the historical example of many countries where governments banned Cryptocurrency but later they revoked the ban.

Here if Indian government wants to ban Cryptocurrency then surely they will instantly without thinking further for any future planning.

But here the government of India is taking time because they are analysing the regulation rules of other countries so that they can make more perfect rules to handle the Cryptocurrency infrastructure in India.

And if anything happens worse then surely the Crypto community of India will face a big problem but still there will always remain a hope of Legalization because Nirmala Sitharaman clearly said that they will give the option of window for experiment in this matter.

Here all the viewers are requested to not to take this news in a negative way because it was a repeated comment of Indian finance minister. Which clearly means no negative thing we have to think about as a Cryptocurrency user. And also if you’re Indian then increase your crypto Community by spreading education about crypto.

If people will be educated then people will support Cryptocurrency otherwise most of the people will blindly support any type of bad/good decision regarding Cryptocurrency by the Government of India.

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