According to a Survey report, teens in North America want to invest in the share market and the second choice is crypto assets.
Recent surveys made in the American and African regions, shows that there is a huge inclination towards crypto than any other field. But here teenagers are showing somewhat different outcomes, according to a survey.
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A survey was conducted on the teens of North America by the Junior Achievement and RSM US.
This survey shows that 25% of the teenagers of North America want to go for the crypto Investment, if they will get funds. But on the other side, 24% of the teenagers have the will to go with the real estate market.
So, around 43% of the respondents were in favour of the stock market Investment, they believe that it will be a better bet to go with stock. While 37% — said they’d refrain from investing altogether.
This survey was conducted a long time back but the results drew interest for the crypto interest. This Survey was conducted on 1000 teenagers of age 13 to 17 years. And the data was the outcome of the joint survey report of Junior Achievement and RSM US in mid-July 2021.
This survey shows a clear answer that the new generation is ready for the stock market Investment instead of GameStop’s retail investors.
The main goal of Junior Achievement and RSM through this survey was to promote pro-stock education in teenagers to figure out what they think and educate them perfectly about the actual design of this system.
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