A person successfully evacuated himself From Ukraine with bitcoin use


A Ukrainian citizen explained how he succeeded to flee from Ukraine because of Russian military invasions on UKRAINE.

Today is the 29th day of the Russia vs Ukraine war and under this situation, war is at a tremendous level, where surety to settle the fight with meeting and discussion is almost impossible. In this war effort, almost every Ukrainian citizen is under a situation where they have problems related to every type of thing, that is why they are getting out from their native country but to sustain a life in another foreign country is getting tough for them.

On 23 March, CNBC covered a real story of a Ukrainian citizen, Fadey. Fadey is a 20 years old man who is also a Bitcoin believer and also held around $2,000 worth of Bitcoin in his Bitcoin USB wallet stick. It was 40% of his life saving in Bitcoin. 

Under the critical Russia vs Ukraine war situation, Fadey came to know that he needed to get out of Ukraine but he was facing issues with the in-accessibility of banking services, which was either down or shut by the government authorities to save it from any cyber attack from Russia. 

Fadey said: 

“I couldn’t withdraw cash at all, because the queues to ATMs were so long, and I couldn’t wait that much time.”

But due to access to his USB stick, he was able to use his $2,000 worth of bitcoin and also was able to access his Bitcoin funds with the words ( phrase backup words of his Bitcoin wallet).

“I could just write my seed phrase on a piece of paper and take it with me.”

So in this way with the help of bitcoin, Fadey was not able to get out of Ukraine but also he was able to secure his Money without any tension. 

At the present time, the government is accepting Crypto Donations officially. And also the government successfully collected around $100 million worth of Crypto assets. 

Read also: Sunshine State planning to Accept Bitcoin for Tax

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