Finally from today, Cardano’s native coin ADA can be trade at Bitpoint exchange in Japan.
The Cardano project team always works on better stability & security for the Cardano network so that they can provide a better digital asset for the whole world, instead of marketing the coin. In the past they got approval from many authorities to make available their coin to use legally in practical life. In the latest, Cardano got approval from the Japanese authority.
Related: Cardano succeeded in receiving approval on Japanese crypto exchanges
Charles Hoskinson, CEO & founder of Cardano, shared this information through twitter. Charles said that he was waiting for long time for this day. Now after 10 minutes, ADA trading will start.
So now, from today trade for the ADA coin is available for the Japanese crypto traders. And Tokyo-based Bitpoint became the first crypto exchange of Japan to list ADA coins.
The crypto assets which already have presence in Japan as tradable legally approved are Tron (TRX), XRP, Ether (ETH), and Basic Attention Token (BAT) including Bitcoin & Bitcoin cash.
Before this, The approval for the ADA coin to list in Japan’s exchange was received in the beginning of August. The team informed about the regulatory approval for Cardano on 3 August. Where they stated that ” under lots of high restriction & strict regulation on crypto assets, Cardano got approval to get listed in Japan”.
A contributor of Cardano project shared on 3 August, for the success of Cardano project.
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