Australian billionaire promotes “Ponzi Crypto scheme” (deep fake video) 


Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s deep fake video is getting viral, in which he is urging people to sign up for a fake crypto exchange.

In Dec 2022, Artificial intelligence (AI) concept grabbed huge popularity following the launch of the most advanced AI chatbot ChatGPT by OpenAI firm. In the last year of time frame, many companies jumped into this sector & provided multi AI-focused services & also the majority of the tech companies adopted these AI tools to bring enhancement in their services as well as to enhance the customer experience.

With the help of AI technology, it is now possible to create anyone’s fake avatar as well as copy the actual voice of that person. Strangely many AI deep fake video generator apps are available in the internet world which can be used to create videos of any popular personality within a click of matter without any permission of that person.

Recently Taylor Swift’s AI created deep fake images that went viral on X (Twitter). However, Taylor filed the case against the culprits but she faced huge irreversible mental pressure because of those bad images. 

The majority of internet scammers are also using AI tools to easily spoof people & catch the attention of innocent people to conduct scam.

In the latest, a deep fake video of Australian mining magnate and businessman Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest came to light across the social media platforms. Through the video, His fake Avatar is promoting a fake cryptocurrency trading platform on social media. 

This is a very big problem for celebrities & also for individuals. 

Notably this technology is still in the initial phase of development & improvement. We can expect what will happen in the future if the development of such AI tools takes place continuously without any regulation system.

So far already multiple companies & government agencies urged policymakers to consider AI technology as a very sensitive topic under the consideration of new policies 

Read also: US DOJ charges 3 people who stole $400M from FTX crypto exchange via SIM swap attack

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