According to a well known cryptographer the recent advances in the Quantum Computing sector will have no effect on the security concerns of the Bitcoin thus poring cold water on the fears of investors in the market.
This has lead to controversy between Bitcoin and Google’s Quantum Supremacy that continued in a twitter discussion dated on 24 September.
When ex-Bitcoin developer Peter Todd led the criticism of Google achieving its Quantum supremacy.
As per the claims made in the Financial Times, the proposed computer can solve an equation that may generally take 10,000 years to solve in just 3 minutes 20 seconds.
And to bring it to notice the firm marked it as the first equation solved on a Quantum Computer.
Now Looking at the risk side on quantum computing as purposed by an expert back in 2017 who claimed that such machines could easily undermine the security of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
But now as per recent claims Todd concluded that financial impendence on Googles latest creation would significantly keep Bitcoin away from all potential trouble in the future.
To this he further added that such advances from Google related to Quantum Computing is nowhere near to break the Bitcoins Security and its Cryptography.
He further added:
“We still don’t even know if it’s possible to scale quantum computers; quite possible that adding qbits will have an exponential cost.”
Recently it came into notice that The United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) was undergoing a new research regarding the development and creation of a Quantum Resistant Crypto.
Also Read: How to Earn Bitcoin?