BitMEX Open Gates for Corporate Customers


Crypto-derivatives giant BitMEX has announced it will introduce business services for customers of the exchange.

As per the June 22 release on BitMEX’s support page, Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange BitMEX launches a range of new services for its corporate customers, including improved security and accounting services and a new trading platform.

BitMEX, being one of the world’s largest crypto-derivatives exchanges, will now also offer business services to customers of its transactions.

Individuals who do not have or operate an account on the crypto exchange can now ensure that the company legally owns their holdings.

BitMEX said the new feature was created for customers who need the funds for their employees to access and manage the security requirements of accounts. However, the announcement also said that a full business services platform would be available for their corporate customers of its exchanges later in 2020.

Many members of the crypto community have lost faith in it. The platform has already been accused and faces a new lawsuit in which its executives are charged with racketeering, money laundering, wire fraud, and unlicensed money transmissions.

Back in March, it was already reported that although the transaction went offline for a short time due to several technical problems with its trading platform.

 Many users are still not satisfied with the company’s lack of transparency and dependence on third-party services.

Crypto-Twitter users were quick to react with skepticism to BitMEX’s official announcement, while others, including user, responded more bluntly.

Retailers are reaching into their wallets and trying to defraud businesses with inflated fees, “he said, referring to corporate news. The derivatives giant also faces a new trial in which its executives are accused of fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes related to its trading platform.

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