Cardano blockchain project team is continuously moving toward better use cases for instrumental & innovative support.
Cardano is a highly secured Proof-of-stake blockchain Network. Since the launch of its blockchain Network, the Cardano network never faced outage, even on the days of network upgrades or Hard Fork. Cardano aimed to make the use of blockchain technology a leading instrument for commercial purposes.
Recently IOHK, the developer team behind Cardano blockchain, published a blog on Cardano blockchain Network powered tool “Atala SCAN”.
Through the announcement, IOHK confirmed that Atala SCAN is a tool to find counterfeiters with the use of the Free App store-based scan application.
A user will be required to use the scan app, which will be affiliated with the Atala SCAN developer. The app will provide all the supply chain information and a product’s authenticity. Developed tool will be used in multiple industries because it is a real need in the present time to kick out the bad actors, which works in favor of copycat or fake products.
Juan Ignacio Sierra, the project manager at Atala SCAN, shared an important roadmap to bring this technology to a high level use cases.
Juan added:
“Atala SCAN has been in gestation for some time and it’s exciting now that we can start to bring the proposition to market. We’re in discussions with several potential clients. We will have more to share soon!”
Retail interest in Cardano
Recently crypto analytic platform IntoTheBlock’s study revealed that retail investors’ Cardano (ADA) holdings now surged by around 186% within the last 30 days.
The report noted that such inflow of interest in Cardano may be because of the upcoming Hardfork in Cardano next month.
In late June, the Cardano blockchain will go through Vasil Hardfork to bring efficiency to the network of Cardano.
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