On May 2021, Elon Musk announced that “ SpaceX will launch Doge-1 satellite By next year & whole funding for the project will be in DogeCoin”.
Since this was not a new concept in this field of Cryptocurrency to launch satellites in space.
In the history of Cryptocurrency, a nano satellite was launched in 2017. The size of the nano satellite was like a coffee mug.
But now it is Bitmex.
Also in 2020 Kusama & Robonomics announced their plan to launch a planet that can relay data between Mars and earth through the Kusama network.
On 11 June 2021 Bitmex announced that they will send a commercial lander to the moon by Q4 2020.
According to BitMEX it would be supporting space robotics firm Astrobotic technology.
Since there are many partnerships ( government and non government) involved in this mission to launch satellites in space. But the main aim of BitMEX is to send a physical Bitcoin to the moon’s surface.
BitMEX already knows that people will think that they are against DogeCoin or Elon musk.
But They clearly stated ” We’ve nothing against Doge Money,we felt it was only right to help Bitcoin get there first”.
After the whole drama, Elon Musk replied to BitMEX through a tweet.
Elon musk tweeted ” A new space race has begun!”
Since many Cryptocurrency experts put their point of view about the “Crypto Space Race”.
According to experts, These activities of launching satellites with captions of Cryptocurrency names can gain hype for a small time. But these cryptocurrencies will not get any type of support in terms of trust.
And also for these things many people trolled BitMEX & Elon Musk for such things.
Clearly here we can see that these types of activities don’t have any type of significance for the use of Cryptocurrency. Funding in a particular project with a particular crypto coin can’t make a coin’s efficiency better.
And also sending a physical Bitcoin in space/moon can’t make Bitcoin at another top level.