CTFC Soon Provide ETH Derivative In U.S as a Commodity


According to Yahoo Finance The Commodity Futures Trading Commission chair considers ETH more as an commodity than as a security.

Recently at an Yahoo Finance Summit CFTC chair Heath Tarbert said that he believed ETH falls under the oversights of the CFTC and thus CFTC will soon allow the Ether derivatives to trade in the U.S market in the near future.

On this controversy Tarbert said that he as already made it clear that Bitcoin is a commodity and about his views on ETH he said “it is my view as a chairman of the CFTC to consider ether as a commodity.

Between all this Tarbert also emphasized the importance of U.S taking a leadership role in the digital asset industry thus stressing that U.S should lead the further development I this field of technology. 

While his remark about the importance of digital asset technology and the role of U.S in leading its further development echoed all of the former CFTC head and specifically to Christopher Giancarlo the Crypto Dad in a recent interview.

Back in 2014, The CTFC declared the virtual currencies as commodity in consideration of Bitcoin and in 2018 the regulators considered Ether, beyond Bitcoin so as to better understand the technology.

Also Read: How to Earn Bitcoin?

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