Developers of Minecraft plan to introduce crypto in gaming with responsibility


Minecraft developers took a pledge to introduce crypto & NFTs in gaming platforms but with full responsibility.

The Crypto and blockchain industry is increasing rapidly in almost every type of industry whether it is medical or entertainment or Govt agency or private agency. All these things are a clear hint that crypto and blockchain innovation is unique which is also a very big need, in terms of getting the accuracy of the digital works. 

In the past, many video game companies tried to introduce crypto, blockchain, and NFTs in their gaming products but the majority of the gaming companies faced backlash from their customers. 

The majority of the raised questions and concerns against the gaming companies were hinting that customers think that crypto & NFTs concepts in games are made for rich & wealthy people to access games and also such things are associated with illicit activities because the majority of the bad actors use crypto to remain anonymous. 

By taking all these under consideration, Minecraft creator Mojang Studios’ developers, artists, and other staff did a discussion and took a pledge to figure out all the issues associated with the gaming and crypto links and also to introduce these two technologies with responsibility, as Bloomberg reported on 26 April.

Cory Scheviak, a Minecraft developer, also stated this initiative of Minecraft artists, game developers and noted that game customers are really under the tension of such things but here we want to create a positive situation and also to give them jobs. 

“People can make all of the side arguments they want about giving people jobs and the things they say are positives. But in the end, it’s never really been about players. It’s never really been about helping people. It’s always been about making as much money as possible.”

Overall the main initiative of this pledge is not to create a fake need for crypto, NFTs, and blockchain technology, but instead to find out the actual need and introduction of crypto to make the gaming experience much better.

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