Ex-YouTube Gaming head believes Web3 & Crypto have infinite potential


Ryan Wyatt shared his past journey to explain how he shifted his interest from the non-crypto gaming sector to the crypto and also shared his personal opinion on the Web3 future in the digital world. 

Ryan Wyatt is the former YouTube Gaming head. In Jan 2022, Wyatt stepped down from YouTube and joined the Ethereum Layer-2 scaling crypto project team Polygon, as a CEO of Polygon Studios.

Recently Polygon studio’s CEO appeared in a podcast with Decrypt and there he shared the reasons which forced him to shift his interest in the crypto sector.

Wyatt said that he was able to see that the majority of the people in the internet world showed interest in decentralised protocols & love to own their digital properties in their hands via autonomy.

“(I am) got into just simply the idea of digital ownership, this idea that we’re going to keep spending more money on digital items & (people) want more autonomy and ownership,” Wyatt said.

Further, the former YouTube Gaming head noted that Crypto, blockchain & Web3 has a better potential and infinite numbers of things that can be done in this space. 

Wyatt also disclosed that he was trying to learn how this digital space interconnects to each digital portion and for this he chose the Polygon crypto project intending to add some non-web3 elements in the Polygon blockchain to make it more multifaceted. 

Development works in the Polygon ecosystem

In the present time, devs in the Polygon team are working tirelessly to launch its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) beta main network. With this new upgrade feature, the Polygon team aimed to bring better efficiency in the transaction fees in the Polygon network & also people will see an enhanced user experience. This upgrade will go live on 27 March 2023. 

Read also: Custodia CEO slams US authorities’ misguided crypto regulation approach

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