Google partners with Bitcoin Lightning Network infrastructure provider


Voltage established a new partnership with Google Cloud to provide services backed by Google Cloud services.

Google Cloud is an online cloud storage service by Google. At present, the valuation of the Google Cloud empire is nearly $225 billion. Also, giant smartphone manufacturer firm Apple uses Google’s cloud server to resell to iPhone smartphone customers. In short, we can say that the security level in the Google Cloud ecosystem is top in the world.

Recently Voltage, a firm that provides Bitcoin lightning network infrastructure, established a new partnership Voltage Google Cloud. 

Now voltage will leverage the Google Cloud tech & ecosystem for its services. Under this partnership, Google Cloud aims to expand its Bitcoin-based services globally while assisting Voltage in expanding its operations.

Voltage CEO Graham Krizek also shared his happiness following this partnership news and said that on one side Voltage will provide better services to the customers, on the other side Google Cloud will be able to use Voltage’s talent in the Bitcoin lightning network field. 

Earlier this, Google Cloud established several partnerships with crypto & blockchain firms, to boost the use of Google Cloud in the Web3 sector, which is mainly based on blockchain & crypto technology.

Here such types of commercial partnerships are not only giving a better boost to the healthy environment for the crypto sector to evolve but also giving a push for digital innovations in the Crypto sector with more reliable services. 

So far Apple & Alphabet-like companies failed to show direct engagement in the crypto sector but here Alphabet showed more inclination toward the blockchain sector. 

In 2022, Apple firm faxed huge criticism from the crypto sector over imposing restrictions against the NFTs apps, to force platforms to give 30% commission against every crypto NFTs trade. 

The majority of the Crypto NFTs applications changed the NFTs sell features, to comply with Apple’s app store’s new measures.

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