I’m tired of taking the blame for Vasil Hardfork delay, says Hoskinson


Cardano blockchain founder responded against the criticism that he is facing from the crypto Community regarding the delay in the Vasil Hardfork.

Cardano is a top-ranked crypto project. The network of the Cardano blockchain operates on Proof-of-stake consensus, which is helpful for the Cardano network to facilitate high-efficiency crypto transactions. At present, developers are working hard to make the Cardano blockchain more efficient & better.

On 19 August, Charles Hoskinson, founder of the Cardano project, took to Twitter to inform his followers about the Vasil Hardfork delay. 

Through the Twitter thread, Hoskinson said that he is ‘tired of taking the blame for delays despite the network being decentralized. 

Earlier, Hoskinson already said that Cardano blockchain’ Vasil Hardfork may face huge delay because Cardano’s upgrade testnet own some bugs, which will take time to fix.

Vasil Hardfork may challenge Solana blockchain

Vasil Hardfork is a very important upgrade plan for the Cardano Blockchain and there are huge chances that it may take place in the Cardano mainnet in mid of September. 

If the Cardano Blockchain will go through Vasil Hardfork successfully then that will make the Cardano Blockchain able to integrate the Hydra protocol.

After Vasil Hardfork, Hydra protocol will make the Cardano Blockchain to facilitate transactions at scalability of 1 Million per second.

The delay in Vasil Hardfork is more identical to the situation of Ethereum’ TheMerge. However, recently, Ethereum developers confirmed that 15 September will be the expected successful date of “TheMerge ” but here Cardano seems lagging significantly to introduce its Vasil Hardfork because of technical challenges. 

At the time of writing this article, price of Cardano (ADA) is $0.046, which is 13.5% down over the last day’s trade price.

I'm tired of taking the blame for Vasil Hardfork delay, says Hoskinson 1

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