Jack Dorsey hints social media platform integrating Lightning wallets


Jack Dorsey recently responded to a tweet regarding the ability of twitter accounts to hold NFT tokens. In response, Dorsey gives hints of the possibilities of such kinds of things like wallet integration with twitter accounts possible.

Jack Dorsey CEO & co-founder of twitter social media platform. Dorsey shows his eager crazy interest in Bitcoin from the point of Investment & development works. Square which is owned by him working on Bitcoin related development programs also. Many times, Dorsey gave hints of social media integration with blockchain based technology.

Read also: Bitcoin will deeply integrate into Twitter : Jack Dorsey

The discussion on this matter started with a twitter user @JacobyBrandon. This guy said that every Twitter account should have a wallet address and that Wallet addresses should have the ability to add NFT tokens. 

In reply to this idea, another twitter user @sayitaylor said that if twitter will adopt this idea then they can make a huge benefit from the Ethereum ecosystem than twitter platform. 

Then in reply to this discussion, Dorsey replied

” Agreed.

Every account on Twitter is able to link to a Lightning wallet however…”

So this is a clear indication that Dorsey may bring such kinds of things which are related to the blockchain wallet integration with twitter.

Read also: Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, is setting up his own Casa Lightning Node of Bitcoin

Already, Dorsey talked about this matter. Earlier he said that Bitcoin made the whole internet a decentralized ecosystem and we will make social media a decentralized model through blockchain technology.

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