Nasdaq powered DX-Exchange going to list security tokens (STO)


Nasdaq powered digital tokens trading platform DX.Exchange is going to list the security tokens (STO) and will launch the trading of security tokens.

Last year DX-exchange was launched with providing trading of stock companies by creating their crypto token from their share prices and also launched their own token dx-coin.


DX-exchange provides platform for institutional investors to trade or invest into stock companies and cryptocurrencies.

DX-exchange already started listing and trading for security tokens (STO). You can list your STO token on DX-exchange by applying listing application here

Currently waiting list is going on for STO listing due to huge demand.

DX-exchange –

Security Tokens Listing Page –

STO Listing Application –

In 2017 and 2018 there were many Initial Coin Offering (ICO) came and mostly all of them get successfully funded by investors. But most of them are founded fraud and investors lost their money in them, so to solve this problem and to secure the investors the SEC decided to verify the startup crypto companies before their fundraising by which the chances of fraud is reduced and these crypto startups are known as Security Token Offering (STO).

Nasdaq also added the ethereum and bitcoin price index to its website in the starting of 2019. Crypto adoption is increasing continuously. Institutional investors are attracted too much towards cryptocurrency due to high gaining opportunity in crypto investments.

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