We are pleased to announce that Ontology has been accepted as an official Google Cloud Partner as its 3 projects have been approved. These programs will see Ontology’s development team granted access to Google Cloud Platform’s open-source infrastructure and cloud services while also leveraging Google’s expertise in cloud computing, cloud infrastructure, and data analytics.
On Monday, three Ontology projects were accepted into the Google Cloud Partner ecosystem, outlining new and innovative ways in which Ontological is working to integrate with Google’s cloud computing services. Ontology will be taking part in the Google Cloud Platform for Business ( GCPB ) and Google’s Cloud Infrastructure for Enterprise ( CII ) projects.
He said: “Collaborating with Google Cloud provides us an opportunity to show how blockchain technology can be integrated into cloud computing, which is a crucial step in bringing the blockchain into mainstream use. It is a leading global project run by Google in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ).
Ontology continues to improve the full utilization of the Google Cloud through the following three Ontology – led projects. O, a leading global social creator platform for content creators to connect with fans, protect content copyright ownership, and share content across multiple platforms based on Google Cloud infrastructure.
A comprehensive logistics service provider focused on urban transportation, terminals, and end – to – delivery. Ontology’s solution for the delivery of food and beverage products to the world’s largest food processing facilities, accelerating the supply chain for food production in the United States by utilizing Ontological’s Google Cloud. Innovative, a global logistics service provider for transportation and logistics services, to integrate Ontology’s Dangerous Goods Delivery solution with its cloud infrastructure.
This is yet another milestone moment for Ontology, further succeeding in its mission to integrate technology with other mainstream disciplines. As a member of the Google Cloud Platform and a partner of Google’s Cloud Infrastructure, we look forward to furthering our collaboration with Google cloud through this new partnership.
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