On 15 July, Giant international payment service PayPal announced that they revoked their old buy limit of crypto. Now their user can BUY up to $100,000 worth of crypto per week.
On 5 April 2021, PayPal announced their plan of cryptocurrency buy & sell at their own platform for the first time. At the time of launching the restrictions they imposed are also going on in the present time like we can not receive crypto in paypal Wallet from another third party wallet and vice versa.
Related: PayPal Launches New Service To Buy- Sell Cryptocurrency
When they introduced their crypto service in Paypal service, the limit to buy crypto was $20,000 per week & $50,000 per week. This limit was better for those who are small players. But it was annoying for high level players. Many of their customers requested to exceed the limit, so now PayPal accepted the request and now their customers can buy $100,000 worth of crypto per week and there is no further boundation or limit.
On 15 July, PayPal claimed that they are doing better interaction with their users and they are taking feedback on how they can make their services better.
As part of our efforts to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers, we are pleased to announce that we have recently raised the purchase limits of cryptocurrency for eligible Paypal customers in the U.S. to $100,000 per week with no annual purchase limit
Jose Fernandez da Ponte, vice president of blockchain and digital currencies at PayPal, said
changes will enable our customers to have more choice and flexibility in purchasing cryptocurrency on our platform.”
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