Many Bitcoin supporters suggested Peter Schiff adopt Bitcoin as the best option against centralized banking systems.
Peter Schiff is a popular Bitcoin hater. He is a US global economist & he only supports investment in Gold & Gold ETFs. Along with the support for Gold, he keeps criticizing the Bitcoin critics every moment.
In the past, Peter Schiff’s Bank account was shut down by the Bank official over tax evasion allegations. According to Peter, the whole action against his bank account was part of a collaboration among his haters, who spread misleading information about him.
He said that no evidence has been found against him in this matter.
Following this bank shutdown matter discussion, many Bitcoin supporters jumped into Peter’s tweet comment section and suggested he adopt Bitcoin to fight against such a centralized financial system.
It is worth it to note that in 2022, a similar kind of incident was faced by Peter. At the time he informed his followers that his bank account was shut down because he failed to maintain a minimum capital amount in the account.
At that time, many Bitcoin supporters suggested Peter adopt a decentralized financial system, which is Bitcoin, & that doesn’t require any minimum capital.
Peter Schiff on Bitcoin Price
Despite the struggle with Bank accounts in the practical world, Peter is still strong with his Bitcoin hater opinion against Bitcoin investors.
Today he said that Bitcoin holders are worried as Bitcoin needs to stay above $60K. If not, it could drop significantly. According to Peter, experienced Bitcoiners are used to big drops, but newbies with ETFs might be in for a shock.
Overall he predicted the big downfall in the trade price of Bitcoin is possible soon.
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