Hey guys! Happy to connect today and learn more about Porta! Can you tell us more about the founding of Porta and what the problem is that you were addressing?
At Porta, we are working on accelerating the transition from web 2.0 to web 3.0. To do that we are building solutions that are specifically designed to solve the current friction problem in the blockchain space — which is slowing down the transition.
Porta means “gateway” in Latin, and the reason we choosing that name is that it fits perfectly with our vision to be the default gateway to the blockchain for new and seasoned web 3.0 users by building products that provide a seamless and intuitive experience for the decentralized web.
Can you give us a brief introduction to your CEO Shane? What is his story, dating back as far as you wish?
My name is Shane Benjamin, I’m an experienced blockchain developer with experience working at different technical levels of the blockchain. I first started working in the crypto/blockchain space in mid-2017. I started as a Solidity smart contract developer building on Ethereum. I then created a PAO network using Parity for a company I was working for in 2018.
And from there I went on to be a blockchain architect for a project at Ofcom (a government regulator based in the UK) where we build a blockchain using Hyperledger to build a phone number management blockchain for the UK telecom industry.
My experience working at all these different levels allowed me to see that there was a lot more work that needs to be done if we wanted web 3.0 to go mainstream and decided to use my knowledge to create Porta and push that transition forward.
Could you please give us a rundown of the most important things about Porta?
The overall vision for Porta is to create a reality where everyone has access to the best privacy, security, and opportunities in a Web 3.0 world.
Our mission is to give everyone access to blockchain products that are designed with simplicity and user experience as the primary factors. We are committed to giving non-technical and crypto newbies access to the blockchain through seamless and well-integrated and web 3.0 products.
This goes for DeFi, NFTs, and all the other decentralized products to come — user experience is the key and that is our focus at Porta.

What makes Porta unique compared to your competitors?
The fact that we are a product-centric blockchain company with a focus on the end-user and their experience with the blockchain, its applications and not just their financial return. We firmly believe that design, experience, focus on quality, mission and community is what builds a 20-year company. Our competitive advantage is that we are building for the present while focusing on the future.
Now, could you tell us about Porta’s accomplishments so far, please tell us what you are most proud of.
In early Q2 2021, we completed a $1.5 million fundraise along with a successful IDO on Poolz.
Building a global team from Day 1, progressing with the blockchain development and suite of products has been a joy.
Now, give us a quick rundown of the future of the Porta. For example, what new things are you seeking to bring to life and what will it mean Porta?
We are launching our blockchain Testnet in Q3 2021 and our blockchain Mainnet for Q4 2021.
This will be the first step in our journey towards advancing a fully decentralized web.
In that time, we will also be working on partnerships and community building in order to raise awareness of the project. As well as, develop the ecosystem, bring more developers to build and integrate with the Porta Network.
We are also working on Porta Pass — which will allow users to seamlessly access and interact with decentralised products on the Porta Network.
Looking ahead to 2022, we are aiming to launch our developer program. As well as listing on more exchanges to help with token adoption.
Along with a simple sign-on solution that provides an easy way for users to identify themselves on the Porta Network without sharing unnecessary personal information.
Tell us about your team. Who’re the people behind the screens?
Each member of our team has many years of experience in their area of expertise — whether it is marketing, software development, community management, design, and product.
Currently, the team is made up of Siamak Mokhtari (Developer & Designer) and Emmanuel Aremu (Head of Marketing). We have recently added Yvonne Kagondu (Community Manager). Plus we will be adding a Rust Developer, Social Media Manager, and another Community Manager over the next couple of weeks.
The whole team is extremely focused on delivering great products for users and amazing experiences for our community.
Which partnerships have Porta engaged so far, and which ones are the most impactful?
We are currently working on a number of partnerships, we will be announcing them over the next couple of months.
Now on a more technical side of things, what are the coin metrics for Porta (KIAN), and how do these lead to a stable and balanced system?
Our current token distribution breaks down as:
Total tokens = 100 million
- Team — 21.75%
- Advisors — 3.75%
- Seed — 10.00%
- Private — 12.50%
- Public — 2.00%
- Ecosystem & Development — 15.00%
- Liquidity — 2.00%
- Network rewards — 33.00%
We have created “Network Rewards” which will be distributed to the community and we are considering allowing a DAO to manage it.
If people would like to follow Porta on your social media pages, visit your website or read your important documents like your white paper, what are the links they need to visit? Please list them below.

Thank you so much for your time! Do you have anything to add before we finish?
I thoroughly believe that user experience will win in the end. At Porta, that is what we laser-focused on.
Our goal is to make amazing products that make accessing Web 3.0 as seamless as possible for everyone.
Thank you for having us.
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The Capital