Hey guys! Happy to connect today and learn more about Project Inverse! Can you tell us more about the founding of Project Inverse and what the problem is that you were addressing?
We conceived Project Inverse and the INVERSE platform early in the DeFi summer of 2020. At the time, we were searching for a decentralized platform that would allow us to speculate on the price movements of a broad array of crypto assets without having to hold the assets. We could not find one. The closest thing we found were a handful of clunky Option platforms. These platforms were very limited in their capabilities and only allowed users to speculate on just one or two assets. We found that there was nothing innovative about these platforms or how they functioned. Thus, the idea of Project Inverse was born.

Could you please give us a rundown of the most important things about Project Inverse?
Inverse is a “counter-volatility” DeFi protocol that allows users to gain from the volatility of popular crypto-assets without having to hold those coins. By employing the XIV utility token, the platform tracks the volatility of these assets, and allows users to gain from the price swings.
Which partnerships have Project Inverse engaged in so far, and which ones are the most impactful?
Project Inverse has engaged in numerous partnerships pre and post IDO including such projects as Polkabridge, the NFT platform Fusible, the gaming platform Playcent, and Certik, the auditing firm. However, our most important partnership has been with Ferrum Network. Ferrum incubated Inverse from concept to TGE and conducted the IDO. Moreover, Ferrum’s founders continue to serve as Inverse advisors.
So going forth into 2021 and beyond, how will Project Inverse make an impact in the crypto space, or on the world?
We expect the Inverse platform to make a significant impact in the crypto and DeFI space in the coming months and years as its user base grows and many come to appreciate how truly innovative this one-of-a-kind platform is. A decentralized protocol that allows you to earn gains from the volatility of other assets just by holding one token is unlike anything that has been done before.
What makes the Inverse platform unique? And what makes your platform superior, compared to your competitors?
As stated earlier, the Inverse Platform is a decentralized protocol that allows users to earn gains from the volatility of popular DeFi coins by just holding the native XIV token on the platform. Users can earn gains from the downward movement of a host of popular DeFi assets such as UNI, LINK, AAVE etc…
This platform is far superior to any competition because there is none like it. The closest protocols are simple Options platforms that lack the variety and dynamism of Inverse.
Now, could you tell us about Project Inverse accomplishments so far, and in the history of the project, please tell us what you are most proud of.
So far, Project Inverse has built a great community. We have conducted a successful TGE and IDO with the help of Ferrum Network. We are preparing to introduce the Inverse platform to the world on April 30th, 2021. We are most proud of the Inverse community. They have stuck with us through the ups and the downs, and have always believed in our vision and cheered us on. We thank them, and we will always have their best interest at the center of everything we do.
Now, give us a quick rundown of the future of Project Inverse. For example, what new things are you seeking to bring to life and what will it mean for the overall project?
Project Inverse will be launching the Inverse Platform at the end of April, 2021. The Inverse platform allows users to earn gains by speculating on the movement of select assets, particularly popular DeFI coins. Users hold XIV, the native Inverse token, within tracking vaults that follow the movement of select individual coins and a DeFI index. Based on parameters set by either the user or the protocol, the user either earns additional XIV at the end of the staking period or forfeits a portion of their staked XIV

Unknown to our community and the general public until now, we will be launching a previously undisclosed addition called In-Line staking. In-line staking is the exact mirror image of Inverse staking, meaning it allows users to earn gains from the volatility of other coins on the upside. Users can speculate how high they think a particular coin will go. Based on their results, users earn gains in the form additional XIV. Users may also earn by adding XIV to the Inverse Liquidity Pool. In the LP, users earn additional XIV from the staking losses in the tracking vaults. LP gains are proportional to the amount of XIV each individual contributes.
In the very near future, we plan to add other categories of coins beyond DeFi coins in the tracking vaults. Possibilities include blockchain coins such as BNB and ADA, and popular NFT tokens such as MANA and ENJ.
Soon after the platform launch, we plan to introduce the Inverse Vault Pass. The IVP brings several critical benefits to XIV token holders including Annual Percentage Yield (APY), access to allocation from other projects, and access to a variety of token air-drops.
In the future we also plan to introduce Peer-to-Peer staking. We will reveal more about that when the time comes.
Tell us about your team. Who’re the people behind the screens?
Collectively, the Inverse team has been in the crypto space for many years.
The Inverse team comes from unique and diverse backgrounds including Blockchain, IT, Fintech, and Digital Marketing. These varied experiences have served to strengthen the foundation of this project. Among the Co-founders of Project Inverse are Germaine Ifudu and Emeka Enu. Germaine and Emeka have been involved in crypto for the last four and a half years. They are also co-founders of TLG Ventures, a Blockchain VC firm which incubated Ferrum Network during its infancy, and helped bring that project, among several others, to market.
Now on a more technical side of things, what are the coin metrics of XIV, and how do these lead to a stable and balanced system?
XIV is a finite ERC-20 token. A total of 90,000,000 XIV tokens were minted.. The price at IDO was $0.075 cents. A total of 26.5% of tokens was sold to the crowd.
If people would like to follow Project Inverse’s social media pages, visit your website or read your important documents like your white paper, what are the links they need to visit? Please list them below.
Helpful links:
White-paper — https://docsend.com/view/avgpqxphp3xb7g6f
Marketing Deck — https://docsend.com/view/tbgrbycmgrrmun28
Token Metrics — https://docsend.com/view/7e2udtrjrbup7sai
Website — https://projectinverse.com
Team & Advisors — https://projectinverse.com/team/
Medium — https://tinyurl.com/ProjectInverseintro
Twitter — https://twitter.com/inverseproject?s=11
Telegram — https://t.me/ProjectInverse
Telegram ANN — https://t.me/Project_Inverse
YouTube — https://youtube.com/watch?v=teFc-U6EYcc&feature=share
Thank you so much for your time!
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The Capital