QR codes based Bitcoin ATMs crypto scam : Alert


According to reports, many scammers are using QR code to get payment from victims. Scammers are fooling people to give directions to send the money through Bitcoin ATMs.

In the present time, Bitcoin ATMs give better options to pay electricity & other day to day practical life bills in countries like Singapore, El Salvador etc. But scammers are tricking innocent people to get payment through the QR barcode directly. 

The Malwarebytes and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) published a report on such kinds of scams. They explained that scammers will first tell the victim that they didn’t pay the electricity bill and if they do not pay instantly then the supply of electricity will be cut down by the end of authority instantly, so to avoid such problems pay the bill. After that they send a QR barcode to pay through the Bitcoin ATM. 

In such a situation, it became very easy to steal the Bitcoin fund by creating a huge panic in the mind of the victim. 

According to the reports, these types of scams are increasing more since Covid-19 pandemic situation in the world.

“The most notable example where this is concerned is of course the pandemic. With the spread of Covid-19, people and organisations naturally wanted to move away from physical contact. Contactless cards were in, and so too were QR codes. This was fertile ground for scammers to move back into a pact they may have long since abandoned

So here it is the duty of all the people not to pay any person who pretends to be any authority. Only pay through the official payment gateway systems instead to follow any third person instructions. And also share this information to all the people so that they remain aware from such kind of scams.

Read also: President says Argentina Open to Adopt Bitcoin

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