Reddit Launched Ethereum Based Tokens for Cryptocurrency and Fortnite Subreddits


Reddit, the famous online desk, is beta trial two Ethereum-based tokens for clients to collect awards for helping, The Block has experienced.

$MOONS and $BRICKS these two tokens introduced to members of the subreddits /r/Cryptocurrency and /r/FortniteBR,  as a section of Reddit’s new start called  “Community Points.”  respectively.

A Reddit spokesman said The Block:

“We continuously run experiments to explore features that engage our users and communities. With Community Points, we’re working exclusively with two communities to test this feature and gather feedback from our users.”

Reddit Launched Ethereum Based Tokens for Cryptocurrency and Fortnite Subreddits 1

Reddit’s webpage is launched for clients that provides guidelines on how to operate Vault,” a new base to handle these tokens.

Operating Vault, users can observe their tokens from a variety subreddits and pretend and extend their points, under a stimulus on Reddit’s mobile app.

Reddit, the famous online desk, is beta trialing two Ethereum-based tokens for clients to gain awards for contributing data, The Block has experienced.

“We continuously run experiments to explore features that engage our users and communities. With Community Points, we’re working exclusively with two communities to test this feature and gather feedback from our users,” a Reddit spokesperson told The Block.

Two tokens will be ERC-20 tokens released on the Ethereum blockchain, and by developing Vault, uses basically generate new Ethereum wallets where tokens can be saved.

As claimed to Reddit, the tokens are presently in beta and it will undergo the trial tone through summer 2020.

Reddit said that “the smart contracts and mobile apps have been reviewed and audited by Trail of Bits, an independent security firm with blockchain expertise.”

“Community Points are currently in beta (through summer 2020). During that time, they will be on the Rinkeby testnet, and balances, transactions, and memberships may be reset,” the Vault page explains. “After the feature leaves beta, Community Points will be migrated to the Ethereum mainnet. Points balances will be carried over (though will need to be reclaimed).”

For their part, Reddit users can utilize the tokens to cast their votes, hunt substance generators, and transmit funds. The desk will also show users’ token stocks as a way to parameters their trustworthiness. /r/Cryptocurrency and /r/FortniteBR have 1 million and 1.3 million members, respectively.

The social media launching pad also motivated people to the playground in on the attempt, consisting of causing bugs.

“To help identify potential bugs, Reddit is inviting security researchers to assist in finding vulnerabilities in Community Points. Interested developers and security researchers should visit,” the page explained.

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