Robert Kiyosaki explains why bitcoin will win


The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad shared his point of view on Bitcoin as a future winner over the US dollar & US economy.

Robert Kiyosaki is a popular author & writer, who wrote the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. Due to his book, he grabbed huge traction globally. His book is based on the money & investment management strategy. He is a strong believer in Bitcoin, Gold, and Silver-like assets.

On 11 May, Robert took to Twitter to support Bitcoin amid a significant downfall situation. Robert tweeted that Bitcoin will win and also he explained what factors are favouring Bitcoin.

“Q: Why will BITCOIN win?”

Robert pointed out three factors in the US and said that BITCOIN will win because America is led by the 3 STOOGES. 

  •  President Biden. Stooge 
  • Secretary of Treasury Yellen. Stooge
  • Fed Chairman Powell.

Through these three facts, Robert said that Bitcoin is free from such things and he trusts BITCOIN that it is not binded with the 3 Stooges.

Robert Kiyosaki on Bitcoin’s future

This is not the first time when Robert talked about Bitcoin, earlier this many times he shared his point of view on Bitcoin and also suggested people have some bitcoin in investment but at the best price, when price plunges.

In the past, Robert said that the government may try to kill Bitcoin if it will get success, and success for Bitcoin is very high because it is not under the control of any government agency.

Once, in the past, Robert tweeted that he doesn’t trust the US dollar because it is operated by the US fed. Robert always supports bitcoin because of its decentralized nature, where no one agency controls alone.

Bitcoin price 

At the time of writing this article, the price of Bitcoin is $28,000 and this price is 28% down over the last 7 days’ trade price. 

Robert Kiyosaki explains why bitcoin will win 1

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