Samourai Bitcoin Wallet working on Bitcoin- Monero Swap, facing criticism


Open-source Bitcoin wallet Samourai working on the Bitcoin-Monero AtomicSwap feature to enhance the privacy of the wallet users. 

Bitcoin (BTC) is a top-ranked crypto asset and runs on a fully decentralized & public blockchain network, which probably doesn’t require any introduction. On the other hand, Monero is a highly decentralized but non-traceable private network, known to provide privacy to the monero (XMR) coin users.

Just a few days ago, a well-known developer for the open-source Bitcoin wallet Samourai informed the crypto Twitter community that he is developing a new feature for the Samourai wallet.

The new feature will allow the Samourai wallet users to swap XMR & BTC, called the atomic swap feature. In short, people will be able to deposit XMR coins in the wallet & further, they will be able to swap the deposited funds in Bitcoin within the app. In short, it will help Bitcoin investors to remain anonymous from Bitcoin investment-related activities.

Some people supported these development works but some people suggested shutting down such kinds of development activities in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Another Bitcoin proponent known as PlateLicker also slammed this idea.

In response to this criticism, the Samourai Wallet officially responded to the critics and said that no Bitcoin proponent has the authority to guide the Samourai Wallet team for new development works and also said that if any person didn’t like the Samourai Wallet then they can leave for a better platform.

Some Crypto Influencers jumped to support the Samourai wallet and said that the new XMR-BTC swap feature will give a high level of privacy to Bitcoin investors and this is the freedom that we want.

Read also: American FED to defines the way of “crypto-banking” relationship 

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