The research found that Solana is also a top-ranked blockchain network in terms of the highest carbon emission network.
Solana is the most efficient network in the list of Proof-of-stake based blockchain networks and it is known for its Proof-of-history based unique Consensus use cases. Right now native token of the Solana blockchain network, Sol, is standing at 7th rank by marketcap.
The Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute (CCRI), an agency focused on research and figuring out the environmental impact of crypto blockchain networks, published its latest research and data on the highest efficient blockchain network, on 2 February.
According to research, the Solana protocol consumes 0.166 watt-hours (Wh) electricity per transaction, which is the lowest consumption of electricity in all blockchain networks. While third-ranked Cardano Blockchain network is consuming is 52 Wh, which is the highest in the crypto industry.

Findings noted that the huge use of blockchain networks in facilitating transactions, lowers electricity consumption. That means the Solana network is in use at the highest scale with maximum efficiency, while Cardano has huge numbers of online nodes but the network is not under full use.
The study found that, due to the huge use of the Solana Network, the Solana protocol consumes emits 934 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is the highest among all blockchain Networks. On the other hand, the Polkadot protocol emits 33.36 Tonnes of Carbon dioxide.
At present, Solana blockchain’ sol trade is $2.9 billion daily trading volume. While Polkadot has about $900,000.
It is still worth noting that, Bitcoin and Ethereum like Proof-of-work based blockchain networks are still efficient with their limitations because Proof-of-work Consensus-based protocols don’t require any additional energy to verify the transactions, while Proof-of-stake blockchain network does.
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