Sushi’s Initial Offering Launchpad Suffers $3M supply chain Exploit


Sushi’s MISO launchpad faced a supply chain attack and lost around $3 million worth of Ethereum coin. Sushi team said that they will file a case against the hacker and warned to return the funds before 12:00 UTC.

In the present time, hacking attacks and other kinds of loopholes in the DeFi based platforms are the biggest reason to drag back the DeFi platforms’ progress and that is why these platforms are not getting a better push. Even the crypto industry supports Defi platforms but these attacks show that the future of DeFi is measurable.

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In the latest, a hacker attacked on theSushi’s MISO launchpad and drained $3 million of Ethereum.  Hacker tricked the Jay Pegs Auto Mart token auction contract on MISO. 

The attacker switched a contract address on the launchpad with one they control then drained it of 864.8 Ethereum.

According to Delong, hackers targeted auction contract addresses. Hackers succeeded with one of the contact addresses, while other contract addresses were fixed by the team. 

Delong further stated that 

“…attacker was eratos1122, a pseudonymous developer who’s previously worked with the yield aggregator Yearn.Finance “and has approached many other projects.” 

So the team is almost near to identify the hacker’s identity and there are huges chances that they can catch him. 

Team also found some trace of the exploiter transactions details with the Binance & FTX exchange. So the team informed the Binance and FTX exchange for the help to investigate. 

Right now the team ordered their lawyer to file a case against the unknown hacker, with the FBI, in case the hacker will not return funds before 12:00 UTC. 

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