Syscoin LUX Goes Live: Blockchain Foundry Has Released the Next Generation of Blockchain Tech for NFTs, Ultra-fast Payments, and Security
The latest version of the Syscoin platform, built in conjunction with Blockchain Foundry and Syscoin Foundation, introduces several bleeding edge innovations, making Syscoin one of the best and most future-proof decentralized platform for fungible and non-fungible tokens, payments, and non-custodial compliance.
Syscoin LUX brings you:
Next-Gen NFTs
The Syscoin protocol now supports fractional and non-fractional NFTs, plus the ability to spawn multiple NFTs from a single token specification.
NFTs on Syscoin LUX benefit from:
- the blazing-fast speed of Z-DAG for instant transactions.
- the security and sustainability of Bitcoin merge-mining, which is environmentally friendly
- minimal transaction costs.
- the option to leverage Syscoin’s scalable Notary feature to apply custom logic and external data sources to a token’s signing process, facilitating more business applications.
No other NFT Platform comes close. Learn more!
UTXO-based Syscoin Platform Tokens (SPTs)
SPTs will now use a UTXO-based consensus system, providing many important benefits:
- Tokens now directly align with bitcoin core logic to take advantage of its best future innovations. Bitcoin is one of the most researched, developed, and widely used blockchains, with proven security and many promising advancements ahead, including Lighting Networks for scalability, and MAST & Taproot for smart contracts. These innovations are underpinned by the UTXO model.
- Multi-Asset Payment Channels / Lightning Network for Tokens. UTXO makes it much easier to develop and implement token payment channels on top of the Syscoin base protocol and token platform. This new kind of payment channel tech will scale token payments to everyone, everywhere, and support off-chain services like instant decentralized token swaps at very low cost with minimal price slippage. These features are not offered by bitcoin.
Opt-in Compliance Rules and Notary for SPTs
Syscoin Lux’s unique Notary feature represents another industry first, making it easier to integrate SPTs within existing financial markets. This tech is general purpose, speeding up transactions, providing additional layers of security, and future proofing the platform and its token issuers against changes to regulations on digital assets.
Next-Level Masternodes
New Evo-based masternodes bring advantages to the whole network as well as to individual masternode operators, including:
Greater efficiency and more bandwidth for Z-DAG transactions, making the network even faster.
Increased scalability, providing a solution to an industry-wide challenge via the unique Z-DAG Protocol.
The same great rewards for masternode operators. Learn more about the benefits, rewards, and bonuses of owning a Syscoin masternode at
The Future of Blockchain Technology
With the release of Syscoin LUX, combined with the recently announced mobile wallet integration with Klever, it is no wonder that Syscoin is making waves. Having been in the vanguard of blockchain technology ever since its foundation in 2014, Syscoin LUX looks set to propel the Platform to the next level.
For more information visit the new-look
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