Telegram Sent Letter to Investors Gram Token May be Delayed


Telegram Cryptocurrency Might Delay Its Launch As TON Responses to Investors After SEC’s Attack.

According to a letter issued by Telegram to its investors which confirmed the delayed launch of TON due to a recent lawsuit filed by SEC.

After a recent lawsuit filed by SEC Telegram Open Network(TON) has finally responded to the investigation case filed by SEC, to this a letter to the investors was shared with the editors of U.Today in which the Telegram Open Network has clarified the current situation with SEC and also mentioned the possible solution to the problems that could possible lead to the delay of the TON currency.

The letter mentioned, that the developers were in a continuous contact with the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission and have taken steps to improve the networks as per the various feedback received by them on the TON Blockchain.

But the current decision by SEC has completely surprised them, and with this they concluded that;

“We were surprised and disappointed that the SEC chose to file the lawsuit under these circumstances, and we disagree with the SEC’s legal position.”

As for now the cryptocurrency developers along with the help of consultants are looking for the best way to of this situation.

From the above going on situation it can be concluded that final release of the Telegrams cryptocurrency which was planned in the month of October will be delayed.

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