U.S. Navy near to adopt blockchain with Consensus Networks


US military service is one step closer to getting into blockchain technology adoption with the partnership with Consensus Networks. 

In the present time, besides the development of crypto-assets and payment tools, the use of blockchain technology is spreading in many sectors to ensure the potential and performance of the system. Last month, a few scientists and researchers started to work on the tezos network to build carbon credits decentralized marketplace. 

In May of this year, The US Navy established a contract deal with the Consensus Networks. The whole deal was settled with a total of $1.5 million. Under the deal, Consensus Networks developed a blockchain-enabled logistics system named HealthNet. 

The whole development work in the HealthNet is completed by more than 50%  And now both parties are planning on the rollout of the HealthNet. And there are expectations that they will pilot it by the first quarter of 2022. 

In a discussion with Cointelegraph, Consensus shared details on the current development work on the HealthNet project. 

According to Consensus Networks, the HealthNet blockchain tool will help to provide real-time logistics information of the  700,000 sailors and marines. The developers in the project choose the IoTex blockchain to get better security, safety, and performance. 

Consensus network also said that the US Navy will also establish partnerships with the other Blockchain firms, which have an interest in the HealthNet like projects. 

The consensus team aimed to bring a better replacement over the outdated and inefficient medical logistics system with the HealthNet. 

Nathan Miller, CEO, and founder of Consensus Networks elaborated on HealthNet and noted:

“It is hard to believe that today automobile manufacturers, such as Ford, have a better network for ensuring the health of their vehicles in the shop or on the road than the medical sector has to monitor and safeguard the health of people.”

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