In the latest statement, the Biden administration is planning to join with the other 30 countries’ forces to fight against digital crimes including crypto related activities.
In the present time, most of the people are using crypto assets for trading and few countries are adopting it to make their financial infrastructure better with new opportunities. But there are few bad actors which are using this digital innovation in illicit activities to deal with illegal deals. At present, regulators of the United States are much active over crypto regulation and associated crimes.
Read also: Crypto Industry too Large over Bitcoin , Says Bank Of America
Recently White House released a statement, which reported that President Joe Biden said that the United States will join with the 30 other countries’ forces. These countries will be mainly North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Group of Seven (G7) nations. And the main initiative to join with new forces, will be to fight against the bad actors who are doing digital crimes in the tech and digital assets space.
“This month, the United States will bring together 30 countries to accelerate our cooperation in combating cybercrime, improving law enforcement collaboration, stemming the illicit use of cryptocurrency, and engaging on these issues diplomatically”
Statement further added that they are also doing to increase the investment in the 5G sectors to increase the security chains of joining with other countries.
Through their new initiative, they will push the revolution in the AI & quantum computing based sectors to fight easily against the malicious cyber crimes.
“we are bringing the full strength of our capabilities to disrupt malicious cyber activity”
The released statement also asserted that American citizens are advised to take better steps against the illicit activities to avoid being a victim of any fraud.
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