Italian Bank Association Ready to Test Digital Euro


(ABI)   The Italian Banking Association on Thursday declared that it’s banks are planning to initiate a digital Euro.

ABI made up of almost 700 Italian banking organizations, interested to join to gear up the transplant of a digital currency supported by the European Central Bank (ECB) by involving in relevant programs and experiments. In 2019 ABI formed a working committee to research crypto and digital assets

On Thursday, in it’s broadcast the committee disclosed 10 application’s for a digital Euro starting with, “Monetary stability and full compliance with the European regulatory framework must be preserved as a matter of priority.”

The committee prefers the requirement for a digital currency layout to be totally compatible with EU laws for public trust and informs that banks will play an important role in upgrading that trust.

Italian banks have initiated such work already with distributed ledger technology, referring to the Spunta project. The plan was a start-up by the ABI Lab to integrate blockchain to gear up the working of interbank resolutions, in its second outline by the group.

(CBDC) Central bank digital currency would command advancements in coming time to the traditional banking system like P2P transactions, machine to machine transactions, and the capacity to handle exchange rate and interest charge challenge, thanks to the programmable characteristics of digital currencies.

The announcement  said. 

“A programmable digital currency represents an innovation in the financial field capable of profoundly revolutionizing money and exchange. This is a transformation capable of bringing significant potential added value, particularly in terms of the efficiency of the operating and management processes,”

Italy is the second country after France’s central bank to register a willingness in experimenting with a digital euro.  Central bank connected a call for applications for CBDC experiments. The Dutch Central Bank also declared the Netherlands was interested in trying out a digital euro.

Jens Weidmann,  the head of Germany’s Central Bank, last year in a speech alerted that a CBDC could disturb the economical system. The year later, made a declaration lawful for a playable digital euro by the Association of German Banks.

The Italian Central Bank has still to remark  on ABI’s declaration.

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