Two ETF Are Waiting for Approval by SEC

Bitcoin ETF are waiting for Approval by SEC

Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is the most awaiting and popular thing in the cryptocurrency market. United State (U.S) Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the only entity that will approve a Bitcoin (BTC) ETF.

Currently, the SEC reviewing two Bitcoin (BTC) ETF. Last week Bitwise filled a Bitcoin ETF which is likely to be approved by the SEC because it relies on regulated custodians. Bitwise is a California based crypto firm.

Chicago Board Options Exchange’s (CBOE) recalls their Bitcoin ETF in late January may be due to the largest U.S government shutdown in history. CBOE filled ETF request again to get approval for SEC.

Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) surely comes in the market soon said by the financial expert Ric Edelman, founder of advisory firm Edelman Financial Engines in an interview with CNBC on 11 Feb.

Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) open the door for institutional investors. The cryptocurrency community is waiting for the new money that ETF will bring into the market.

Bitcoin tested $4000 today and retrace from there. Bitcoin and the crypto market is looking good from the past couple of weeks. Crypto traders and hodlers believe that this is the end of the longest Bitcoin bear market.

Today Samsung the world’s number one mobile company launched its new flagship phone Galaxy S10 with a built-in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet. 

Bitcoin and financial experts believe that Bitcoin is version 2 of gold and called Bitcoin Digital Gold. 

Adoption is on the way, Bull is just a matter of time.

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