Walmart Becomes a Member of HyperLedger


Hyperledger – a global collaboration hosted by Linux foundation useful for banking, finance, internet of things. Any information stored in a leader can view associated data transactions as well as any information stored.

Walmart a world-famous multinational company known as a “Supermarket” committed to selling best-branded products. Walmart putting hands together with blockchain consortium Hyperledger. New eight members are along with Walmart on 3rd March at the Hyperledger global forum 2020 in Phoenix Arizona were joined for the latest technology of blockchain.

Sanjay Radhakrishnan the vice president of Walmart global tech expressed excitement in joining platform stating – “we have seen strong results through our various deployments of blockchain, and is staying involved in open source communities with further transform the future of our Business”

User-friendly web application aims to “advance cross-industry” blockchain technology with IBM and Intel. Hyperledger announced service providers including Aion technology, a subsidiary of blockchain network IOST Swiss base Tangem company.

Six new providers including Beijing promising Technology, Kompitech, Limechain, Mindtree, Xoaa, and Zhigul.

Brian Behendor the executive director of hyper ledger stated that “Adding this great mix of new members and HCSPs is a great opening for Hyperledger Global Forum.”

Walmart is a collaboration with hyperledger is after a decade first experiment with technology.  In the supply chain, manufacturing, technology a pilot program using hyperledger to poke the Chinese pork market to provide safe food. Walmart partnered with IBM and China’s Tsinghua University in Oct .2016.

In May 2017 the biggest Supermarket using blockchain technology filling patents to trace packages delivered by drones. Patents focusing on patients, shopping and supply chain system Walmart make numerous filling with 2018.

To trace the distribution of drugs in black-market. Last month mediledger published a report urging U.S.administration of food to adopt blockchain.

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