Because of some legal pressure, a Ukrainian government official revealed his crypto and shares holdings to avoid any kind of scrutiny issues over his crypto holdings and gain.
All the pro-Bitcoin investors know very well how Bitcoin and other flagship assets’ gained huge prices since their origin. But when the Bitcoin and crypto industry was in the very beginning phase, at that time, many rich people invested their black and white money in Bitcoin to remain anonymous against the tax authorities. But now this is turning to a new point.
In the recent declaration of the member of the Virovsky Village Council in the western Rivne Oblast, Vladimir Pachesny, he owns 124 BTC worth almost $8 million at the current price of Bitcoin, and also he owns 500 shares of the Tesla company.
Vladimir bought 124 Bitcoin in 2013 with a $2,800 fund on the local Bitcoin fiat-crypto exchange of Ukraine. And in 2019, he bought 500 shares of the Tesla company.
Many Ukrainian Politicians own Bitcoin in bulk
This is not the first time when any government official revealed his crypto holdings, earlier this many government workers revealed their holdings. However, a few of them failed to provide clarity on their ownership of the Bitcoin holdings, but not all.
Probably Vladimir was in fear to prove the ownership of his Bitcoin holdings genuinely, that is why they declared it.
In April, it was unveiled that government workers and politicians held 46,351 BTC worth more than $2.6 billion, with a member of the Dnipro City Council, Mishalov Domitrovich, having the largest stash of 18,000 BTC.
And also in 2020, a public figure declared his 46,251 Bitcoins holdings. His holdings also include many other flagship crypto assets like ETH, LTC, BCH, and XMR.
Read also: Skybridge Capital’s founder claims bitcoin will touch easy $500,000