Due to Cryptocurrency mining ban requirements, Alibaba will stop their services for those companies or websites which are engaged in Cryptocurrency mining.
This action of Alibaba will impact miners not for Cryptocurrency exchanges.
Recently Chinese government passed a Cryptocurrency mining ban in China.
And also today we heard about the news of the China crackdown on Cryptocurrency miners in China.
Related : Chinese government crackdown crypto mining ban.
A Chinese New media, 8BTCNews, Reported the second biggest cloud services provider company, which is Alibaba, may halt their services for Cryptocurrency websites.
Alibaba warned all Cryptocurrency related services websites, They may stop their services to provide for them due to regulatory requirements.
We can also see a tweet where they clearly mentioned it. In a tweet they tweeted that they may cancel domain name and support server services to all the companies which are registered in China.
According to WuBlockchain, this action by Alibaba will impact very little for Cryptocurrency exchanges. But for Cryptocurrency Mining services should see other choices and options.
Since this news was negative for the miners. But another negative news for miners entered.
It seems that problems are not stopping for the Cryptocurrency miners. Daily one negative news is now a usual thing for them.
According to a U.today report, the electricity provider companies are ordered by the Government authorities to stop electricity supply to mining companies.
Also Alibaba warned their clients that if anyone is involved in Cryptocurrency services then probably they may face any type of possible problem.
Alibaba clearly stated that there will be no harm for those who are running Cryptocurrency exchanges. Because crypto mining bans regulatory rules are for the miners not for the Cryptocurrency exchanges. But if somehow any of the services is involved in mining industry then probably they will take action.