Apple CEO reveals his crypto-investment


In an interview, Apple CEO revealed that he owns crypto but Apple may not consider accepting crypto payment. 

At present, the crypto market is showing a wave of bull runs. And also the price of Bitcoin & Ethereum touched a new all-time high. As a result of the bull run, people are making a profit through their holdings. In the latest, the CEO of Apple shared his crypto inclined intention. 

Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, appeared at a conference with the New York Times on 9 November. In the conference, Cook was questioned about which crypto he owns, Bitcoin or Ethereum. 

Then the Apple tech-head replied: “I think it’s reasonable to own (crypto) as a part of a diversified portfolio”. 

Through this statement, Cook revealed that he is holding crypto assets as a part of his portfolio. But the Apple CEO was not in favour of crypto to advise for the investment. And also didn’t reveal which crypto he owns. 

Cook said that, before saying anything about it, I would like to say that don’t consider my statements as investment advice. 

“I’m not giving anyone investment advice, by the way.”

Further, the discussion with Cook touched a point where Cook was questioned whether Apple will accept crypto payment.  Cook said that Apple is not planning for the crypto payments and also the company is not thinking of investing with the corporate fund. 

Rumours on Apple to accept crypto 

A few days back, rumours were spreading in the crypto market that Apple may announce its plan about Crypto and probably they may think about the Ethereum coin. 

But this interview of the Apple CEO dismissed All the rumours. 

However, the Apple iOS store supports Apple products based applications and services but Apple’s services are not integrated with crypto-related things directly. 

Read also: Ripple Lab will launch Liquidity Hub in 2022

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