Blockchain security firm GK8 custody partners with Stellar


Due to the Increase in the trend of crypto Investment, the demand of Financial institutions and Fintech companies is increasing as a part of the need to provide doors of Investment with better custody. 

GK8 is a Blockchain cybersecurity company and this blockchain firm will use the network of Steller and also will provide tokenized services for GK8 users, so that they can get better custody for their Investment. 

GK8 announced its new partnership with Stellar as a custody provider for the digital assets Investment on Steller. Through the announcement, the firm claimed that this partnership will allow their users a type of offline gateways to get into crypto Investment. 

So, GK8 will not only provide security from the cyber attacks but also it will give facility of the scalable and high frequency transactions. 

Lior Lamesh, GK8 co-founder and CEO, said that this partnership will give a new source of revenue for people

“..generate new revenue streams, digitize assets, trade, and transform currency as it’s sent.”

Steller is a forked network chain which got splitted from the XRP protocol in 2014. At the present time, Steller is at no. 22 with the total market cap of $9.8 billion. And also in the present bull run, this token gained around 23% within the last 7 days. 

GK8 is a blockchain security firm and this firm is expanding their services  with high profile partnership to expand their Infrastructure in the blockchain industry. This firm also has MasterCard engagement in their startup programs. 

Read also: Coinbase will Integrate Polygon’s Ethereum Scaling Solution

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