Cardano developer Proposes New Term for Smart Contracts


One of the Cardano developers team’ developer said that Smartcontract on Cardano is a wrong word because this is totally different from another blockchain network.

As we know, the most anticipated hard fork of Cardano network was completed by last Sunday on 12 September, which enabled Cardano network to allow smart contract based development or new DAPps projects easily. Now talking about the Smart Contract feature of the Cardano network, one of the developers of IOG indicated Cardano’s new features as a revolution of the blockchain industry. 

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As usual, smart contracts enable new projects to mint new projects on the blockchain network in parallel with the existing network chain and support, but Matthias Benkort, one of the developers in the input output Hong Kong global team, noted that Cardano’s smart contract is totally different. And after that Charles Hoskinson,CEO and founder of Cardano project tweeted about it and said that when we call smart contract on Cardano, then it is inappropriate wording because Cardano is unique in comparison to Ethereum & Solana like Network. 

According to Charles, new features of Cardano mainnet should be termed as  “programmable validators”. 

Benkort claimed that the eUTXO transaction model makes Cardano very unique. And actually we can’t deploy smart contracts on Cardano. 

“Unlike Ethereum, Solana, Algorand and al, there’s no such thing as “deploying” a smart-contract on Cardano. Instead, validators are implicitly referred to by hashes prior to their use, and they are disclosed upon activation”

Benkort further explained that the community is doing something wrong. They are mixing validators and smart contracts. And preferred to use on-chain validators and off-chain validators as more appropriate terms. 

“In the end, “smart contracts” feels like an imprecise term. Rather, I’d prefer more specific terms such as “on-chain validators” and “off-chain code”. I reckon this is a hard”

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