Charles Hoskinson shared his point of view on the mentality of every crypto lover toward crypto projects.
Cardano is the third biggest crypto project, which has its position at third rank in the crypto industry, after Bitcoin and Ethereum. In recent months, the Cardano project is getting huge negative reviews from the community because of a plunge in price more than what the community expected.
On 6 December, Charles Hoskinson- CEO and founder of Cardano project, appeared in the latest AskMeAnything session on YouTube. In the session, Charles replied to almost every question asked by the viewers related to the Cardano project.
Charles said that they want the whole crypto industry to start getting along.
“The one thing I want for Christmas is for everyone to start getting along in our industry. It’s extraordinary to me that when people are so close in philosophy and viewpoint, and in some cases technology, they can be so far apart as people. It’s extraordinary,” Charles said
Charles also noted that in almost every industry, investors remain against each other. But here the crypto industry is different, where no one has hate for each other in terms of investors’ points of view.
Charles added:
Charles also asserted that if people will not stop fighting against each other then they will not be able to fight against the real enemy. Further, he said that it will not be easy also because there are people, who are doing some kind of unfair works to divide the crypto industry.
Cardano founder also said that there are many types of things available in this world like podcasts, social media, and books that are working to divide the community. So we have to take a stand and need to stop hate by keeping ourselves away from such things.
“That has to stop and the only way it’s going to stop is if we get better systems that are fairer. And the only way we do that, is we have to work together. So, we’ll see, 2022, whether that’s accomplished.”
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