Chinese gaming company The9 plans crypto NFT business


The9 firm is planning to get into the crypto based NFT business. For this, they will establish partnership with the sports players.

The entry of the NFTs based tokens in the crypto market was not better but after that many industries started to get into crypto with the use of the NFT concept easily. Now in the present time NFT is getting huge popularity. We can see the growth of NFT based platforms by the Axie Infinity like games which are getting huge popularity since the launch. And also Visa like companies are buying NFTs artwork.

Read also: Tron founder spend $500,000 for a simple NFT artwork

The9 is a blockchain company in China. And this company already has lots of initiative in the crypto & blockchain industry. This company is also Nasdaq listed, so we can be under the level of this company, where it lies.

NFTSTAR Singapore Pte. Ltd. Is a subsidiary of the The9 company. And now this is ready to get into the NFTs crypto industry through their own business. 

As per announcement, the company will launch their own community and platform where people will be able to trade NFTs artwork. Company have goal to launch by the Q4 of 2021.

The9 is also planning to bring lots of sports players in collaboration with their NFTs based business initiative. This will help them to sell their NFTs based artwork easily. 

Company is also planning to bring the integration of the credit & debit card system to buy the artwork. The9 believes that such kinds of things will help every person from any field to get into this artwork community easily.

Read also: Blockchain network partnership between China & South Korea

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