ETF will be approved, SEC Chief Robert Jackson says


US SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson Jr said in an interview that Bitcoin ETF will get approval from regulators.

In last year many ETFs were coming and got rejected, but now SEC Commissioner Jackson told that situation is changed and ETF may get approval by regulators.

See the below picture about an interview of SEC Commissioner Jackson.

ETF will be approved, SEC Chief Robert Jackson says 1

One of the popular CBOE ETF temporarily withdrawn in the past month due to government shutdown but they re-applied it just after a week.

Bitcoin ETF will open doors for institutional investors and price will shoot up as more and more investors will start entering into BTC due to ETF. But all ETFs got rejected in the past year 2018 due to low liquidity and volatility of Bitcoin, but the main reason of not getting the approval of Bitcoin ETF is that people still have not enough knowledge of Bitcoin and its technology.

More Adoption and more usability of Bitcoin may open the doors of ETF approval.

What do you think, will Bitcoin ETF got approval in future? Please Comment Below!

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