Fewer Fund Raising by ICO reports in Q1 2019 than previous Q4 2018.


There’s a certain amount of downfall in funding by the ICO, in the first quarter of 2019 as compared with the last quarter of 2018 says a report from a rating site ICObench.

A per the market Analysis report a brief comparison can be done as follows, there are in total 350 ICO funding seen in the Q1 2019. But it closes with a total of only 328 ICO projects.

The following report by them reads as follows:

“Notably, in Q1 2019 there were twice less ICOs projects that have raised funds comparing with Q4 2018. However, the average ICObench rating has not been changed. The success rate of ICOs that raised a positive amount of funds in Q1 2019 is nearly the same as in Q4 2018 even though the amount of ICOs have declined. More than 60% of ICO projects still raise less than $5million.”

The total volume of funding raised were $1 billion as of Q4 2018, but the number were reduced by roughly $0.5 billion as on Q1 2019.

Q1 closed with 328 projects, where only 107 of them managed to raise funds and the other 221 didn’t raise any of the funds. Taking this to comparison in Q4 2018 had closed with a total of 585 ICO projects from which 207 raised funds and 378 did not.

Among all the popular industries that were engaged in ICO the most discussed were Virtual reality (VR), Big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and entertainment.

But still according to the analysis Ethereum (ETH) network is the most popular infrastructure to conduct the various ICO’s.

Related to this an ICO analytics website TokenData released a report that reveals that Q1 2019 the ICO projects raised a fund of $118 million.

The report also revealed that from the 2500 projects only 45 percent raised money. Only 15 percent of the ICO token issued are successfully trading at above there original price.

According to a survey conducted by the institutional investors which they had published on Februray revealed that only 19 percent believe that digital assets will be regularly invested and traded by 2021.

And 41 Percent of them believe that institutional investors will invest in the next Five years. While the 23 percent believe not to invest and according to them, there is no potential investment in the ICO market.

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