G-Rocket aims to attract 1,000 Web3 startups to provide govt services in Hong Kong


HK legislator’s startup company aimed to bring thousands of Web3 Technology based services to the nation, which will be linked with practical banking & Government services.

Web3 is a next level concept of the existing model of the current internet-based websites. However there is no actual definition of Web3, which can show the features & ability, but still, many crypto projects showed their inclination toward Web3-based projects to provide decentralised financial services. For the last couple of years, the Crypto industry’s leading projects are taking the Web3 concept as a new trending material. Experts believe that Web3-focused platforms will change the future of the internet because in the Web3 environment an internet user will hold all his details in a decentralised medium & also there will be no middleman between the user & service provider. 

Ng Kit-Chong, a member of the Hong Kong legislative council for the election committee constituency, co-founded G-Rocket. The current CEO of G-Rocket is Casper Wong. Casper Wong co-founded this company with Chong in 2016.

Here G-Rocket is a start-up accelerator company. Recently Wong appeared in an interview with the South China Morning Post.

Wong talked about the firm’s new aptly named program “Hong Kong Web 3.0 Hub” and he said that his company aims to help 1,000 Web3 start-ups to push them to work on the ground level to provide practical level services. 

G-Rocket CEO said that he aimed to achieve this target in the next 3 years. 

“We hope to help bring good companies and talent back to Hong Kong in the post-pandemic era,” Wong said.

The CEO said that he will bring government & Banking services to the Web3 protocols, where the Web3 platform will be secured at a very high level and this will further help the special administrative region of China as a crypto hub that will create significant competition to Singapore.

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