Gaming platform Steam bans blockchain & NFTs apps


Digital gaming platform Steam reportedly banned all the applications and services which are related to the Blockchain & NFTs based services.

In the present time, the most demanding concept in the crypto space is NFTs, which is covering almost all the fields, which were unoccupied with the crypto only adoption. And blockchain technology based services demand is increasing among all the digital platforms. But here a decision of the digital gaming platform Steam seems they are not aware about the potential of blockchain and NFTs technology concept. 

Recently Valve, developer of Steam platform, stated about the rules and guidelines of the platform and added 

“Applications built on blockchain technology that issue or allow exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs restricted”

And other prohibited things under the new guidelines include speech, sexually explicit images of real individuals, content exploiting children, malware, and more.

The main part of the new published guidelines, they banned a NFTs platform Age of Rust. Age Of Rust is a NFTs concept based platform, which provides gaming exposure. 

One of the representatives of Age of Rust stated on the decision of Steam and said ” policies of the Steam platform do not allow items with value in the real world” and they want to include such things in their ecosystem. 

Cause behind the ban of blockchain & NFTs 

The official statement of Valve doesn’t tell perfectly why they banned blockchain and NFTs. 

But experts concluded that the main reason to ban blockchain based services is because the Steam platform required all legal information like Bank details and other identity to verify the users but blockchain based crypto services doesn’t include such things and are hard to manage, so they are terminating it from their ecosystem.

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