Behemoth’s Rakhten wallet, Japanese “Amazon” will start XRP trading again by 8 September.
Rakuten is a major retail trading company of Japan. And it launched Rakuten wallet in March 2019. Rakuten is known for the crypto spot trading on Bitcoin, Ether and Bitcoin Cash only.
But later Raukten added Litecoin and XRP coins for marginal trading.
After the announcement of the lawsuit against the Ripple foundation by the SEC, Rakuten suspended the trading of Ripple coin on Dec 24, two days after the lawsuit.
Rakuten found that Ripple prices are now much stable and better. And as per announcement, they may start the marginal trade for ripple tokens by 8 September.
In the present time, Coinbase, Kraken, Binance U.S., Bitstamp and a slew of other exchanges are still waiting for the whole case to end so that they can allow XRP token trading in the US.
Probably this is going to be big news not only from the point of support for token trading but it is a clear indication that Rakuten wallet exchange team believes that the case between Ripple company and Security & Exchange Commission is very near to end and almost all major issues have been solved as crystal clear.
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