A bug in the OpenSea caused $100,000 of NFTs loss. And now NFTs are unrecoverable.
When it comes to the bugs in new platforms of crypto, then there are many but hard to detect. Defi projects are most commonly known platforms which have bugs and loopholes. But currently fully NFTs dedicated platform OpenSea is getting into light because of an unexpected bug.
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The Information about the bug, first is informed by Nick Johnson, lead developer of ENS. Johnson explained how NFTs have been destroyed by a bug.
The ENS burned was ‘rilxxlir.eth and it was held in the ENS account. And account was registered & paid by Johnson. This bug came into light when Johnson tried to transfer ENS NFT name and then it got transferred at the burning address.
Total 42 Non fungible tokens ( NFTs) transferred at the burning address, that means this is an irreversible process and also can never be recovered.
Johnson also explained that he is still the controller of rilxxlir.eth, and also can set ENS records, but he can never recover it. And further emphasized that NFTs have no practical importance but still it can end up with a big loss with another person.
Obviously, Johnson tried to say that it was only an Artwork and had no practical importance. But surely it is just a matter of giving importance to the collection and probably there are chances that some other person may face this problem, and may end up with a big loss for him.
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